Saturday, September 13, 2014


Life's Backpack 

In the passage I just read in Ms. Bogan blog. Was very nice and heartbreaking because it’s true. We don’t always know what people are going throw in their life. As for me I have a lot going on in my life. Put it like this what carry in my life backpack is a lot of things. For instance I carry in there my families’ worries and also my personal worries and also my job and couple of my friends worries too. For my family’s worry is most that everyone okay that no one get sick or anything like that. Them just to be happy with each other and understanding and like paying on time and not putting everything on my mom. For my personal worries is my school and trying to make everyone on of me proud of me. And to also just managing time with school and work and also getting good grade and doing all my assignment on time. Well my job worries are little more stressful then most people because I have a lot going on because I own my two jobs and I mange them myself with my mom. But still it’s hard on us. As for my friends worries are not that bad I just have to always help them out and stuff like when I have hardly have time for them but still mange to help them out that much when I can do it. That’s what I carry on my life backpack just a lot of stress and also a lot of pens and pencils and makeup but that it.

1 comment:

  1. Helping people is a great thing to do. Try not to worry so much. Many times we worry about things, making it difficult to progress. Because in the end everything works out and we find out we spent a lot time we don't have worrying. -Wendi Oppenheimer
