Friday, October 17, 2014

To Do

For Saturday 10/17/14

1. go to work
2. do homework
3. try to relax

Reflection #4

Long-term goal: My criminal justice job.
Mid-term goal: Get my AA degree.
Short-term goal: To pass my classes.

My long-term goal is to have a job in criminal justice. Call me crazy but it’s been a passion since I was like 6 years old. I would sit and watch C.S.I., cops, and anything that had to do with police force. For my mid-tern goal is to get my AA degree well at least but I would love to go higher but all depend if I get into the academy. For my short-term goal is to pass all my class with a good grade.

Dear Ms. Bogan,

Hi, how are you its been almost 2 years since I seen you. I hope your doing well and everything is going great for you and your family. Well as for me everything is going good. But let me tell you I’m in my 3rd year of college and I’m loving it so much even thought I stress most of the time but all that matters is that I’m doing it. I’m getting closer to get my AA degree and I’m so proud of myself. I’m getting all A’s in my class and I’m being a full time student still so that is helping me get closer and closer to my degree. I’m also applying to a university pretty soon I’m very excited. I hope they let me in to the school. I also applied to the police academy and I’m halfway done with training and then the background investigation is coming up after I’m done with the academy. I’m really excited because this one more step closer to getting my future j that I always wanted. To be candid I have a weird ominous that something bad can happen so I wont be able to get my job. But it might take me years to get there but I’m going to do it and show my family member that I’m going to make it all on my own. But I’m doing it and I’m so proud of myself that I’m doing it. But I still feel gullible because I believe what some people say that I wont be able to get the job, but try not to listen to them. Well I have to let you go now because I have a couple homework assignments to do. Bye Ms. Bogan take care and keep in touch.


Gloria Maldonado

Calendar (:

Friday, October 10, 2014

Reflection #3

Looking Backwards & Forward

         Going back to last week in school. Ahaha what can i say my homework was crazy and work was also a lot to juggle in that week. I didn't have a break at all. I was overwhelmed with the amount of homework I had gotten that week. I felt I was like I was in a sea of water that I couldn't get out of. That week I felt like I wasn't going to be able to finish all the work I had to do for my classes. At first I thought I had everything planned out on how I was going to do the homework. My first thought was I will start doing my English homework, and then I would do my reading homework, then my math, after I would finish on my criminal justice homework. But for some reason I had mistaken the dates on some of my assignments. So I think that’s what had me overwhelmed about my homework. If I would plan everything then I think I would have had a prefect week. For this current week that’s going on it seems a little better because I double check my dates, and started on the homework the same day. So I wasn't overwhelmed but I still was a little bit of cramming in homework this week. So for the week that is coming up I'm planning to try to start homework the same day and finish that same date and not wait unit the morning of the homework assignment that id due to finish it. Also just try to mange all my work so I wont stress out. 

Vocabulary 3


in the picture is showing that there going to keep working out to keep healthy.
"The Fault In Our Stars" by John Green

"Late in the winter of my seventeenth year, my mother decided i was depressed presumably because i rarely left the house, spent quite a lot of time in bed, read the same book over and over, ate infrequently, and devoted quite a bit of my abundant free time to thinking about death." page.3

meaning: presumably seems to decided for some before there choice was made.
clue: example

Sentence: My friend made presumably decision about her daughter party.


In this picture is showing that there so much of time or amount

"The Fault In Our Stars" by John Green

"Late in the winter of my seventeenth year, my mother decided i was depressed presumably because i rarely left the house, spent quite a lot of time in bed, read the same book over and over, ate infrequently, and devoted quite a bit of my abundant free time to thinking about death." page.3

meaning: Abundant seems having a good quality of amount.
clue: definition

Sentence: Jim had a lot of abundant time when he was in summer.


In this picture it showing someone moving step by step and very slow.

"The Fault In Our Stars" by John Green

"I'd shake my head microscopically and exhale in response."

meaning: microscopically is moving at a tiny movement.
clue: inference

Sentence: jimmy was playing microscopically at soccer and made them loose the game.

To Do List

Friday 10-10-14

1. work
2. work on my blog
3. going to the movies


Friday, September 19, 2014

To do list

September 19,2014
1. Wake up
2.cook & clean
3. Go to work
4. Do homework 
5 . Post blog 
6. Cook 
7. More homewor
8. Go to walmart
9. Go to sleep 


Fifty Shade of Grey by E L James pg.3 Chapter 1

"Damn my hair--it just won't behave, and damn Katherine Kavanagh for being ill and subjecting me to this ordeal."

meaning: Ordeal means test or trial. also put in a situation.
clue: "contrast"

Sentence: The long ordeal of the trial had me bored.

Fifty Shade of Grey by E L James pg.3 Chapter 1

"Therefore, she cannot attend the interview she'd arranged to do, with some mega-industrialist tycoon I've never heard of, for the student newspaper."

meaning: Tycoon mean someone powerful or to have power over someone.
The clue: "inference"

Sentence:  The lawyer is tycoon for the years he been working.

Fifty Shade of Grey by E L James pg.3 Chapter 1

"As an exceptional an major benefactor of our university, his time is extraordinarily precious-much more precious than mine-but he has granted Kate an interview."

meaning: Exceptional mean something that does happen often.
The clue: "definition"

Jonathan is forming qualities with exceptional to be able to be a better man.



      This story I’m going tell everybody it's very sad and has made in impact on my life on how is I see it. And its also very personal I only said this a couple times because hard to talk about I still get tears in my eyes just by writing it or even just by thinking it. Well it almost going to be about 5 years since this happen. I lost one of my best friends since I was like 5 years old or even smaller. I consider him as one of my brother. Its funny cause people will ask us what we were and we will always say we were brother and sister and still say it now. Well don’t know if I want to get into detail on how this happen but maybe I will all depends on how it all turns out. The way he die was horrible he got shot at shoot out. I was there walking with him when it happen I was lucky I didn’t get shot but he wasn’t that lucky. The sad part of all this is that I only had a couple moment to say goodbye to him.  This event happening has made me see the world in a different view to not take anything for granted. And to understand that life is not always there. The impact of this moment was really hard but it open my eyes to see that life is a gift and to never take it for granted. I try to live my life to the fullest. 

Saturday, September 13, 2014


Life's Backpack 

In the passage I just read in Ms. Bogan blog. Was very nice and heartbreaking because it’s true. We don’t always know what people are going throw in their life. As for me I have a lot going on in my life. Put it like this what carry in my life backpack is a lot of things. For instance I carry in there my families’ worries and also my personal worries and also my job and couple of my friends worries too. For my family’s worry is most that everyone okay that no one get sick or anything like that. Them just to be happy with each other and understanding and like paying on time and not putting everything on my mom. For my personal worries is my school and trying to make everyone on of me proud of me. And to also just managing time with school and work and also getting good grade and doing all my assignment on time. Well my job worries are little more stressful then most people because I have a lot going on because I own my two jobs and I mange them myself with my mom. But still it’s hard on us. As for my friends worries are not that bad I just have to always help them out and stuff like when I have hardly have time for them but still mange to help them out that much when I can do it. That’s what I carry on my life backpack just a lot of stress and also a lot of pens and pencils and makeup but that it.