Friday, October 17, 2014

Reflection #4

Long-term goal: My criminal justice job.
Mid-term goal: Get my AA degree.
Short-term goal: To pass my classes.

My long-term goal is to have a job in criminal justice. Call me crazy but it’s been a passion since I was like 6 years old. I would sit and watch C.S.I., cops, and anything that had to do with police force. For my mid-tern goal is to get my AA degree well at least but I would love to go higher but all depend if I get into the academy. For my short-term goal is to pass all my class with a good grade.

Dear Ms. Bogan,

Hi, how are you its been almost 2 years since I seen you. I hope your doing well and everything is going great for you and your family. Well as for me everything is going good. But let me tell you I’m in my 3rd year of college and I’m loving it so much even thought I stress most of the time but all that matters is that I’m doing it. I’m getting closer to get my AA degree and I’m so proud of myself. I’m getting all A’s in my class and I’m being a full time student still so that is helping me get closer and closer to my degree. I’m also applying to a university pretty soon I’m very excited. I hope they let me in to the school. I also applied to the police academy and I’m halfway done with training and then the background investigation is coming up after I’m done with the academy. I’m really excited because this one more step closer to getting my future j that I always wanted. To be candid I have a weird ominous that something bad can happen so I wont be able to get my job. But it might take me years to get there but I’m going to do it and show my family member that I’m going to make it all on my own. But I’m doing it and I’m so proud of myself that I’m doing it. But I still feel gullible because I believe what some people say that I wont be able to get the job, but try not to listen to them. Well I have to let you go now because I have a couple homework assignments to do. Bye Ms. Bogan take care and keep in touch.


Gloria Maldonado


  1. Wow! Gloria, I'm extremely happy for you. I can't believe your transferring to the university pretty soon, and also half way done with the police academy. I'm really going to miss you bunches. I truly believe in you i know you will succeed in what ever you desired to become. I wish you the best!!!

  2. You're goals are very realistic and I know you are beyond capable of success. I to want have a criminal justice job in the future and I hope we both succeed and maybe i'll see out their on the field. I personally congrats you today for your future. Good luck and continue to strive.
