Friday, October 10, 2014

Reflection #3

Looking Backwards & Forward

         Going back to last week in school. Ahaha what can i say my homework was crazy and work was also a lot to juggle in that week. I didn't have a break at all. I was overwhelmed with the amount of homework I had gotten that week. I felt I was like I was in a sea of water that I couldn't get out of. That week I felt like I wasn't going to be able to finish all the work I had to do for my classes. At first I thought I had everything planned out on how I was going to do the homework. My first thought was I will start doing my English homework, and then I would do my reading homework, then my math, after I would finish on my criminal justice homework. But for some reason I had mistaken the dates on some of my assignments. So I think that’s what had me overwhelmed about my homework. If I would plan everything then I think I would have had a prefect week. For this current week that’s going on it seems a little better because I double check my dates, and started on the homework the same day. So I wasn't overwhelmed but I still was a little bit of cramming in homework this week. So for the week that is coming up I'm planning to try to start homework the same day and finish that same date and not wait unit the morning of the homework assignment that id due to finish it. Also just try to mange all my work so I wont stress out. 

1 comment:

  1. I can relate with your crazy schedule. I also work and attend school at the same time.
    Sometimes I feel there is not enough time in a day to finish all of my work responsibilities and my homework assignments. But I keep telling myself anything is possible if you have the right attitude. Good luck!! 
